Our Mission
The Mission of AAP New York Chapter 1 is the same as for District II and New York State. We work with New York District II and the National American Academy of Pediatrics to:
Provide our members with the best tools, skills and knowledge to remain the best qualified health professionals to deliver care to infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
Participate in educational forums in which issues of importance to children and pediatricians are addressed.
Work with individuals, government and non-governmental organizations to secure access to and delivery of high quality care within the concept of a “Medical Home” for all children.
Ensure that the decision-making which affects the health and well-being of children and their families is based only on the needs of those specific children and families.
Monitor the effect changes to the health care delivery system have on children and pediatricians.
Improve pediatricians’ awareness of the value of membership in the Academy at the Chapter, District and National levels.